In the field: the Cosmetopoles
Cosmetopoles are relay of COSMED actions and services for companies in the cosmetics industry
Cosmetopôlestm support regional policies that are concerned with integrating the cosmetics industry into decisions on regional development and attractiveness; they exchange information with elected officials in order to reconcile the purpose of public actions and regional funds (investment, innovation, ecological transition) with the needs of companies.
Cosmetopôlestm establish links and collaborations with economic agencies and the various competitiveness clusters in order to converge and pool actions in the interest of companies and territories.
Cosmetopôlestm animate, coordinate and manage local events in relation with the head office and propose an annual program of training, information days, collective actions…
The Association is represented in France by six Cosmetopôlestm: Provence Côte d’Azur, Centre-Ile de France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie, Grand-Ouest and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
With the support of
Partners in Regions :